How it works and what it's for

How do I become a member of Friends of Sligo Creek?

You fill out a paper membership form--which you can get at any Friends event--and send your money to our treasurer. Or better, join right here online. You can pay online, too, with Network for Good. It is on the home page. We ask for basic contact information, and your interests. Membership fees are $20 for individuals, $30 for a family. For people who cannot afford to pay, we have a work credit option. Students often join with a work credit. Just work at an event in the park and you qualify.

Membership fees are due yearly. We will remind you when your anniversary date arrives.

What if I am on your list but never filled out a form?

We have some names in our database of people who have not filled in a form. Eventually we want everyone to do so but we don't want to turn away willing workers. If you are getting our emails but have not officially signed up, we would appreciate it if you would join.

What do I get from joining?

  1. Each month you get our Sligo News Items electronic newsletter with events and vital news about the watershed and what Friends are doing to restore it.

  2. We will put you in touch with the Sligo Steward in your section of the Creek. These volunteers are bringing neighbors together to work, learn and have fun.

  3. You will have the chance to attend our regular program meetings or watershed outings where local experts on birds, bugs, land planning, even local history share their expertise with us.

  4. You will benefit as we educate the public and elected officials about what citizens really care about and what effective steps cam be taken to protect and restore this treasure we are so lucky to have in our backyards..

  5. You can take a tax deduction for any donations.

What does Friends of Sligo get from my membership?

  1. We get correct contact information so we can keep you in the know.

  2. We learn your interests to connect you with those who want to work on the same issues.

  3. We get your money: Our budget is small but we still have expenses. Trash bags for cleanups, refreshments for meetings and work events, water monitoring equipment, postage, our website. These all cost money. We also need to show the agencies and foundations we want to work with that we can raise funds. We have big plans and it takes money to get money.

  4. But the heart of our work is the time that Friends put into restoring the Creek. It may be a lot or a little - you might come out once a year for our Sweep the Creek litter day, or get involved on an active committees. We have jobs of every size and description and we invite you to join in. Because the invasive vines don't come down by themselves. The litter can't be bribed into the bag. It is our hands that get the job done.

So.. If a healthy watershed you seek - Come be a Friend of Sligo Creek!